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Saturday, 28 February 2015 00:00

Top Weight Loss Foods to Eat This Spring

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This spring, why not finally get your body where you want it? The dull winter is over, and you need to revamp your look for the coming season. You don’t have time to guess and check on a bunch of meal options; you just want to know what the top weight loss foods are so you can plan your menu. Well, you’re on the right track if you want to get fit and shed unwanted pounds, but slow down.

Top Weight Loss Foods You’ll Actually Eat

In order for you to see lasting success, you will have to incorporate these weight loss foods into your regular diet this spring and thereafter.  That means that you need to actually like them. It’s all well and good to say that something is a superfood and has miraculous benefits, but if it tastes terrible, you simply won’t be eating it regularly enough to enjoy the advantages.

Instead, make sure that you consider lots of options. Try them prepared in many different ways. That way, you’ll have variety in nutrients but also flavors and textures.  When you keep your meals interesting and delicious, it won’t seem as though you’re eating a “healthy” meal as much as you’re just having a tasty one.

1.   Behold the Bright Leafy Greens

Nothing says spring like a plate of fresh greens. Whether you are enjoying them in a salad, on a sandwich, or on their own, most leafy greens are top weight loss foods for several reasons. For one, they are incredibly low in calories. For two, they don’t inundate your body with unwanted carbohydrates. Lastly, they come packed with fiber, which is a known element in body cleansing, cardiovascular health, digestion, and weight loss.

Greens to try include:

·         Kale

·         Collards

·         Swiss Chards

·         Spinach

·         Sprouts 

2.   Scarf on Some Scrumptious Salmon

Now is the time for you to start getting familiar with a few salmon dishes. As one of the healthiest things you can put on your plate, salmon fish also happens to be one of the top weight loss foods you should be eating more of this spring. Chock full of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, iodine, and those good fats we all need to consume for proper brain and cell health, salmon can also help you lose weight if you prepare it correctly.

3.   Try Some Terrific Tuna

Another wonderful fish you will want to eat this spring (and every other season) is tuna. Although this relatively inexpensive fish variety can be transformed into an unhealthy meal, by itself it is one of the top weight loss foods in the world, regardless of when you eat it. Tuna is surprisingly low in calories but packed with protein and plenty of omega-3s, which have been directly linked to a healthier and leaner body. It is recommended that you opt for tuna in water, instead of in oil, and limit your consumption to an amount that is agreed upon by you and your doctor or nutritionist. 

4. Get Back to Your Roots (Veggies)

Root veggies may not be as low in calories as leafy greens, for example, but they’re fantastic for packing your body with nutrients and fiber.  Together, this combination makes them great weight loss foods because they fill you up and provide your body’s organs and cells with what they need to function at their best.  When your body is working efficiently, you’ll feel less hungry and will have more energy.  That way, you’ll be less likely to reach for more food.  With all that fiber, you might even help to keep your sweet tooth under control – at least a bit!

Last modified on Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:29

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