Monday, 15 July 2019 09:00

Top Pilates Moves for Weight Loss

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It’s that time of year again where everyone is trying to lose weight quickly and efficiently. While you may turn to one of any diet fads or trends, sometimes it pays to get back to basics.  

We all know that you need exercise to help shed the pounds, but you might be surprised to learn that there are some excellent Pilates moves for weight loss that you should be including in your ritual too. 

Many people tend to focus solely on cardio when they want to lose weight, but a well-rounded routine is really what it’s all about. By including Pilates into your workout regimen, you add an excellent strength and toning component. You do get in some cardio, but you also use your own body resistance to really go deep into movements that will show results. The only way to show progress and make these movements work at their maximum levels is to eat right and to combine Pilates with other forms of exercise for true variety—that’s when the body responds in an amazing way!

So, you may wonder what make up the best Pilates moves for weight loss? Though Pilates in general is excellent for shaping the core and the legs, you will be able to contribute to overall weight loss by focusing great effort on the following movements. You will feel these right away, and that’s how you know it’s all working.

5 Great Pilates Moves for Weight Loss:

  1. Scissor Kicks: This is one of the best Pilates moves for weight loss, so it’s definitely worth mastering it. Lying flat on your back you put both legs up on the air, and then slightly lift up the shoulders and chest to hold the position. Then you move one leg at a time, using your core to support you. You kick out one leg at a time so you are working the lower body, but you are also getting an extra bonus because you are using your core to support this movement. This adds great strength, but also incorporates endurance and flexibility for a really well-rounded movement. Fun fact: according to Popsugar, scissor kicks are a top workout for training your core!
  2. Leg Circles: Another one of the many great Pilates moves for weight loss is the leg circle. And, this is another movement where you lie flat on your back and put your feet up in the air. You are simply making circles in the air using only your legs to do so, but this is much harder than it sounds. You are supporting the movement with your core, and you are also asking the whole leg to get involved. You are going deeper into muscle tissue than you would with many other movements. This is by far one of the most popular Pilates moves for weight loss, mostly because it’s easy enough to perform but gives great results when all is said and done. 
  3. Back Extension with Rotation: You lie on your stomach with your face down in this movement. Slowly you rise up and twist or rotate to one side of the body. You are again using only your core to lift your shoulders, arms, and side off the ground and the move back down before rotating to the other side in turn. Definitely one of the most highly recommended Pilates moves for weight loss!
  4. Leg Kick: You start by sitting up but resting your weight on your hip so that you are on your side. You keep the bottom leg on the ground and using your core and the strength of your leg move it slowly into a kicking position right in front of you. This is a more advanced movement and very difficult to do, but it pays off big time. You are shedding fat but adding strength in a really unique way. The slower you move through this, the more of an impact that it has on you.
  5. Side Bend: Begin by sitting straight up, one leg on the ground bent at the knee, and the other straight up bent at the knee. Then lift that entire side of the body up into a holding position, similar to a side plank. You will only be using the support of the leg on the ground and one hand to hold you up, and so this asks a lot of muscles and body parts to get in on the movement. These are all excellent movements to shed fat, add muscle, and ultimately make up the best Pilates moves for weight loss that should be a regular fixture in your workout routine. 

Try These Pilates Moves for Weight Loss to Start Seeing Results, But Do It Safely

If you are planning on using any Pilates moves for weight loss, just be sure that you do so with care. You want to be absolutely sure that you are using the correct form so that you can avoid the risk of any injuries occurring while you are exercising and working so hard at slimming down.

How can you be sure that you are executing these Pilates moves for weight loss correctly?

  • Go to a Pilates class. There might be a Pilates studio in your area, or you might be able to enroll in some Pilates classes at your local gym. Nothing beats the personalized training that you can get from a certified Pilates instructor, who can guide you into the appropriate positions to ensure every movement is executed perfectly.
  • Watch videos online. You might be surprised by the many instructional videos that you can find on YouTube for those who are interested in doing Pilates to lose weight and get in shape. These can be really insightful because you can see how every movement is supposed to be done.
  • Follow the instructors on Pilates DVDs. This is another way to see the movements being executed correctly, but you can also get a complete workout at the same time. This is also a great alternative for anyone who can’t, for any reason, attend a Pilates class in person.

Start Using Pilates Moves for Weight Loss Today!

Now that you know about a few of the top Pilates moves for weight loss, and how to ensure you do them correctly, what are you waiting for? Get started today, so you can see results before you know it! After all, these movements are designed to not only slim your body, but also tone it up, so you will love the way you look.

Last modified on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 14:37

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