Tuesday, 10 November 2020 08:00

The Top Ways to Banish Lower Belly Fat

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You can carry fat throughout your body, but some of the most embarrassing fat is in the belly area. This type of fat can make you feel super self-conscious when you are sporting a swimsuit, and it can also make it difficult to fit into your favorite pair of jeans. And, if you have been struggling with lower belly fat, in particular, you know that this is also an area that can be really tough to slim down. 

When you want to lower belly fat, it can feel as though your body is working against you. Even when you watch the numbers on the scale falling successfully because of your clean eating and exercising efforts, it can be very frustrating when you still have that extra weight around your middle that just doesn’t seem to want to go anywhere.


For many people, this is one of the most stubborn areas for weight loss and it can create some of the biggest dieting battles. However, with the right approach, you can get the results that you’re after. Check out the information below to learn a bit more about what it takes to banish lower belly fat and get the slim belly that you have always wanted. 

First Off, Be Consistent If You Want to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat 


Losing lower belly fat might seem like a truly daunting task at first, but keep in mind that this is not an impossible task, and many people have been able to achieve incredible results with the right approach. By knowing how to eat, and how to exercise, you can start to see the number on the scale go down, and your belly slim down, because you are finally getting rid of that excess fat that you have been carrying. So, don’t lose hope!

The important thing to remember is that you should never give up.  It is possible to lower belly fat as long as you know how to do it properly and you know what to expect from your efforts.  Not giving up is important not only to your looks but also to your health.  Weight around the middle can bring on extra health issues that you really don’t want or need in your life.  

The Problem with Carrying Lower Belly Fat 

Getting rid of lower belly fat isn’t only important because it can boost your confidence in the way that you look; this type of fat can also have an impact on your health. Research has shown that where your weight is carried has a much greater impact on your health than how much you weigh.  There are many people who are overweight and who don’t have any additional medical issues as a result of their excess body fat.  At the same time, there are people whose BMI is within the normal range but who have a bit of extra weight around the abs and who have some of the same health side effects faced by people with obesity.

Ways to Reduce Lower Belly Fat 

So what do you do to lower belly fat?  Below are a few strategies that have been proven to target fatty deposits in the abdominal area a little more than other areas of the body.  

Avoid added sugar like it’s poison

Sugar-sweetened anything should be cut out of your diet.  This is especially true when it comes to beverages including soda, juice, flavored drinks and even specialty coffees.

Boost your lean protein intake 

This doesn’t provide instant belly fat reduction, but it does work over time and it helps to keep it up.  It’s a critical part of any weight loss strategy.  Chicken breast, beans, quinoa, turkey and eggs (particularly egg whites if you’re looking to slash cholesterol) are especially good choices.

Choose carbs wisely 

It’s not necessary to cut out carbs altogether.  It isn’t good for you and it doesn’t work over the long term. Instead, reduce the size of the carb portion on your plate and choose options that are better for you.  Dump all carbs based on white flour.  Aim for only 100 percent whole grains in foods such as cereals, breads and pasta. If you do eat potatoes, eat the skins, too.  They’re very high in fiber and are quite filling.

Make fiber your new best friend 

Most people don’t eat enough fiber.  When you eat more, you’ll lower cholesterol levels, improve your blood pressure and will lose weight more easily because fiber is great for filling you up and keeping you feeling satisfied with your meals. 

Exercise often 

Another way to ensure you can get rid of belly fat, according to Healthline, is by getting plenty of exercise, and doing the right types of exercises. What are the types of workouts that you should pursue if you have belly fat to lose? Well, they include the following:

  • High-Intensity Interval Training, which is also known as HIIT, involves switching between higher intensity and lower intensity segments throughout your workout session. This style of exercise can help you lose fat, and you can do it three times per week to get results, so you don’t have to worry about finding the time to do it every single day to reap the benefits.
  • Various exercises that target the entire core are also recommended, in addition to cardio, if you want to lose belly fat. Some examples include the scissor switch and Jackknife crunches.

A Combination of Diet and Exercise Is the Key 

To lose weight and get in shape, it is best to focus on both diet and exercise, rather than just one or the other. You can get results more efficiently, and you can work on building muscle while burning fat.

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 13:37

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