Have you been thinking about giving a weight loss product a try so that you can slim down with greater speed and ease? But are you hoping to find a weight loss pill that will really hone in on your…
Wednesday, 07 March 2018 19:15

Why Some Women Gain Weight on Birth Control

Have you thought about going on birth control but you are reluctant to do it because you have heard that some women end up gaining weight when they do? Or perhaps you are someone who has already used birth control…
There have been many scientific weight loss studies conducted over the years. After all, it’s a popular and important topic. It’s also highly complex. It makes sense that there would be both interest and funding to help the medical community…
Did you know that there are natural appetite suppressing foods that could help you achieve your weight loss goals?
These days, everyone knows the risks of sitting down all day at work, especially with that whole “sitting is the new smoking” slogan. While it gets irritating to hear, it’s true, and sitting all day can have numerous negative effects…
Friday, 19 January 2018 19:18

Are Cravings Killing Your Mood? What to Do

If you are trying to lose weight by eating right, you are probably cutting calories and cutting unhealthy foods out of your daily meal plans. But that could lead to tough cravings that could end up killing your mood too.…
If you find it difficult to stick to your diet and exercise routine, whether you need to lose weight or you just want to stay fit and build more muscle, you certainly are not alone. A lot of people find…
Tuesday, 19 December 2017 02:57

20 Foods Highest in Potassium

An essential nutrient that your body needs in order to maintain both electrolyte balance and fluid balance, potassium is surprisingly easy to get through diet. By eating the right foods, such as those listed below, you can rest assured that…
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 20:15

Want to Lose Weight? Use This Foolproof Method

Have you been struggling to lose weight and you are at your wit’s end? Then try the strategy below, which uses your BMR to help you figure out what you should eat and how many calories you should be consuming…
Wednesday, 15 November 2017 21:06

Can Bontril Be Combined with Phentermine?

Phentermine and Bontril, which is also known as Phendimetrazine, are a couple of the most popular prescription weight loss pills that are available on the market today. They work by suppressing your appetite so that you will eat less throughout…
Pushing yourself too hard during your workouts, and blowing past your body’s limits as a result, could lead to unwanted and dangerous injuries. But not pushing yourself hard enough could be just as bad because you really won’t derive the…
You might be under the impression that drinking diet soda is a better choice if you are trying to lose weight and stay in shape. But diet soda could actually be causing your sugar cravings, thereby undermining your efforts.
Improper posture could have a big effect upon how good you look, how confident you look, and even how thin you look. If you have worked hard to lose weight but you are still unsatisfied with the way that you…
Wednesday, 23 August 2017 21:08

Effective and Safe Treatments for Obesity

Obesity can be a serious health problem with several causes, such as caloric intake, level of physical activity, and even genetics. Unfortunately, it can also cause or complicate other health issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and…
Wednesday, 09 August 2017 18:54

The Whats, Whys and Hows of Veganism

Veganism is on the rise all over the world. Everywhere you turn, you can find headlines about more vegan stores opening up, more meat-free food options being offered at restaurants and in grocery stores, and more people converting to a…
Wednesday, 12 July 2017 14:59

3 Ways to Prevent Weight Gain in College

Ah, college. For many, it is a really fun time in life during which you can enjoy loads of time with your friends, throw parties, and go off on adventures. But college can also be really stressful, thanks to the…
Taking the right diet pill prior to your workout could help give you the energy you need to power through more reps, more weight, or a longer cardio session so that you can get better results in a shorter amount…
Summertime beverages are refreshing and tasty, but they can also be packed with calories and sugar, making them a bad choice for those who are hoping to lose weight or maintain their healthy weight. Thankfully, there are many choices for…
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Medical Weight Loss Information

Back in 2009, a Harvard University-trained microbiologist by the name of Turnbaugh had some pressing questions about the ways in which dieting affects gut bacteria. So, he gathered up some lab rats and immediately started doing some simple studies on the matter. What...
If you break it down, it’s simply amazing how many reasons for big appetites exist. Sure, some of us may just feel as if we’re more prone to eat. We may feel that, growing up, we were conditioned to eat more and that it was a good thing. So when we are forced to face...
Those who constantly struggle to attain or maintain a healthy and attractive weight might want to listen up to this: it turns out that overweight people actually need more omega-3 fatty acids than those people who naturally have an ideal body weight for their...